Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Over

I think everyone has probably heard this by now. I gave it some time for word to get out, trying to make this the last place updated.
Bryanna finally got an answer to her prayers about whether we should be getting married.

We are no longer engaged, not dating, but trying to stay friends. It's been tough, really tough, for both of us. If you see us, be supportive, and hugs are always great!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Date Change

We are putting off the date until January February-ish to make it easier for those flying out, so they don't have to miss Christmas.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Planning a wedding seems to be a lot of work. It's still many months out, so I haven't been too worried about it yet, but Bryanna is starting to stress out. We're starting to think about guest lists already. Really, are we supposed to do that this early? But we need to know how many people will be coming, so we can determine the size of venue we need.

It looks like we'll be doing something a little smaller in Utah, and then a little bigger in Massachusetts, but that's definitely subject to change. Of my guests, everyone will come to Utah, and none to Massachusetts, but of Bryanna's most will come to Massachusetts, and only a few to Utah. But almost her whole ward will attend in Massachusetts, and most of her family. I'm not as good at maintaining social connections, so while I have a lot of friends, I'm not as close with most of them, and a lot of people probably wouldn't come.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How we met; by Joseph

YSA Summit is a weekend event each August at the University of Utah Institute. It typically starts on a Friday, with food and an outdoor concert. Then Saturday morning there is breakfast, workshops, lunch, and then more workshops until about 4 pm. It resumes at 8 pm with a dance and carnival.
I went by myself, but I had many friends and people from my branch who were there. I ate dinner with some friends, and was socializing with them until about the time the outdoor concert started. I finished eating, and gathered up my trash and the trash of the people with whom I was eating. I took all the trash over to the garbage.
When I got to the garbage, I saw a girl standing alone by a tree, away from everybody. I crossed the sidewalk and started talking to her. Her name was Katrina, and she was waiting to meet some friends. We talked for a few minutes.
After a short time, a boy and girl walked by, and Katrina greeted the boy and introduced us. His name was Peter. He started talking to Katrina, as they were friends, and so I started talking to the girl who was with him, Bryanna. She was pretty cute, a bit young, but it didn't take me very long to figure out that she was really intelligent. I really enjoyed talking to her.
We talked for a bit, and then Peter and Katrina wandered off, so we went over to the food to get some more pizza. We ate some pizza, and continued talking.
Before we realized it, the concert was over, and Peter found us. He joined in the conversation again, unwilling to leave because he had promised Bryanna a ride home, but for some reason unwilling to hurry us or say it was time to go, either.
At one point, we started toward the parking lot, but didn't quite make it to the cars, and soon were sitting in a little circle continuing to talk.

When I asked Bryanna for her phone number, she didn't know it. Right, like any girl doesn't know her phone number. I looked her up on Facebook, from my phone, and added her on Facebook. She asked for my phone number, since she couldn't give me hers, and initially I refused to give it to her. I finally made her promise that she would call me if I gave it to her.
Sometime Saturday afternoon, she confirmed my frineds request on Facebook.
Then Saturday evening a bit after eight, she called me. I had been sick all day Saturday, and was just getting ready for bed. She was at the carnival/dance and was looking for me. I apologized that I wasn't there, explaining that I was sick, and she gave me her phone number.
Then I didn't call her. For about three days. I had a girl I had kind of been seeing, who was about to go on a mission. I really liked Bryanna, though, and was trying to figure out what I should do.
On Monday or Tuesday, Bryanna updated her Facebook status so that it said "Guys are dumb!"

I knew that it was about me, and I felt pretty bad, but I didn't want to call until I figured out what I wanted to do. So I spent that evening hanging out on Facebook, watching for Bryanna to come online. When she finally got on Facebook, I started chatting with her on Facebook chat, and then when it was clear she was okay with me calling just to chat, I did so. I explained my reticense, and asked what she thought I should do.

Her advice was pretty simple: "You should ask me out!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Starting our Blog

We are planning this blog together and will gradually add stories of our time together, how we meet, and other fun features! Basically, all the boring stuff nobody really cares about... ;)

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